Hi! I’m Jen, and I’ve been defying the confines of a single brand since 1980-something.
I’m a teacher and a ponderer and a pray-er, an unlikely tech maven, a tender of gardens, and sometimes, of souls. I’m a mom and a daughter and a spouse. I practice law on the side.
(I know, one of these things is not like the others.)
We are all experts in unlikely combinations of things.
Are you an olympic-level horseback-rider and pharmacist who loves melancholy novels? Are you a bassoon-playing marketing expert with a passion for introspective psychology? An amateur magician and former college mascot who runs food security social enterprise projects in the Middle East?
Unless you’re one of these three close friends of mine, the answer to each of these questions is probably no. But we’ve all become experts in seemingly random combinations of things in the world, whether on purpose or by accident. As for me, I am an overachieving theology nerd with a love of people who seek faith. I’ve acquired a law license that I struggle to fit into my life. I’ve discovered a love for connecting online, and for helping others use the digital world to build their communities. I found a surprising love for designing Squarespace websites. I desperately want to foster creativity and moral imagination and the deep and true kind of courage in my young children. I would like to occasionally sit down at the piano without four small additional hands “playing the extra notes.” I write.
Here, I bring you the fruits of my expertise! I created Marbled Life Ministry to share resources for youth and adult discipleship ministry and I’m available to write curriculum for groups of church-going youth and adults. I wrote “Tell me a Story” to share inspiration for spontaneous storytelling with children. I design Squarespace websites for all sorts of individuals and businesses who want to showcase the fantastic ways they make the world better. I consult and help churches create hospitality through technology, and through it all am always happy to share the musings of a lapsed writer making meaning out of her predictably unlikely life.
Want to learn more? Follow one of the links above, or head over to the main blog, where I share all kinds of updates, and subscribe via the form below so you don’t miss new posts! Welcome, friend!